Monday, 17 October 2011

Thanx dear

One of my frineds encouraged me to write again..its wonderful to have an audience especially on the web ........since you write for the unknown...yes I have been busy and will be for the next 50 does that mean you don;t do what you like .....well no and thanx my dearest for reminding me that!!
I want to talk about the world of books.....I like them, I read them but do I learn from them ....that is the biggest question???
As a person I feel I am intelligent ....and my dear friend will vouch for it ..haha.........see i need a platform i am so convincing now you already believe what I am telling you!!

But when it comes to being the mom of my almost four year old I feel very handicapped ,,,,I am toady exactly the kind of Mum I never wanted to be .So I started thinking I am really intelligent enough or my knowledge of the world does little to affect my knowledge of self!
Or we have differnet kind of intelligence for different roles..........or is it my EQ.........the great new term after IQ.........the fact that a seperate term exists assures me that it might be true......My wealth of bookish knowledge does not prepare me for the world.
I have seen many a not so well read women around me managing perfectly well.....\so how do you tain yourself for EQ ..........any ideas readers??? And moreover when is the right time to prepare you for the world..........cause what I surely don't want is my daughters to grow up with high IQ and very little EQ!!

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